Thursday, June 18, 2009

Gospel in Action: Scripture Study Motivation

Guest blogger: Marin Blandon
Here I am, now 29 years old.

I remember when I was a freshman in high school, all my friends were starting to make decisions that would soon test my moral beliefs. It was tough at times and I thought often that I couldn't wait until I was older and married with kids, it would be so much easier to be a faithful member.

Boy was I wrong.

I have learned that having a strong active testimony at this age is just as important as it was at my younger years. It's so easy for me to get caught up in life and it's activities.

I told my mission president in my last interview with him before I went home that the one thing I did look forward to when I went home was having all the time I wanted to study the scriptures.

I had grown to love the scriptures on my mission but was limited to 1 hour of study in the mornings and 1 hour at night before bed. Which at the time didn't seem like a lot to me.

My mission president responded to my statement by telling me that I will be surprised at how much time I won't find to study the scriptures. I was shocked at his response and a bit disheartened, but I soon came to realize that he was correct.

To keep the gospel an active part of my life, I have to set standards for myself. I am sad to say it does not just happen for me. I have to actively make things happen and it is not always easy for me. Although I do find it takes something as simple as listening to uplifting music throughout the day to help me to be more motivated to read my scriptures, say my prayer or even just be more pleasant in my home.

I have a strong testimony of the Gospel, I know it is true. It is one of the most important things to me. It's a blessing and a treasure I will never let slip away from my life.

“If you have not chosen the kingdom of God first, it will in the end make no difference what you have chosen instead.” ~ Neal A. Maxwell

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