Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Serving in the Vineyard: New Opportunities

The church has a new website that lets you serve in many small .


At LDS Media Talk
By simply creating a personal profile, anyone can access a number of tasks such as updating Church publications, media tagging, document translation, and video editing.  The great part about it is that it only takes about 5 minutes to complete one task. All you need is an Internet connection, computer, or web-capable phone to get started.
On Mormon Times
You can also be a part of this awesome beta experiment by registering. Then you click into the opportunities to peruse what’s available. Once you find an activity to start, save it to your workspace and work on it whenever it is convenient. Cool! So go forth into the vineyard and serve.
Yes, go forth and serve. It only takes a few minutes.



  1. Ellen, I love how you are on top of this stuff, I don't know what I'd do without this website, and I'm not even in the ward anymore!

  2. So so cool! What a great website. Ellen, you do find the best sites! Thanks for sharing them on here!


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