Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why are Mormon homemakers so creative?

From One Eternal Round, found on Patheous:

Why are Mormon homemakers so creative? 
...Creatively producing things is good for our sense of self worth....

You probably saw the article on a couple of weeks ago about the feminist who can’t stop reading Mormon housewife blogs. The author marvels at the creativity displayed on these blogs – beautiful homes, beautiful baked goods, beautiful photography. A lot of Mormon homemakers are extremely creative and productive. ...

...Blogging, baking, photography, and handicrafts are all things that can be done from home and can be self-taught, so perhaps that is why Mormon SAHMs specialize in them. But regardless of the form their creativity takes, they doing as President Uchtdorf said, and “[taking] the normal opportunities of … daily life and [creating] something of beauty and helpfulness.”

That’s a wonderful thing.
Don't you let anyone tell you otherwise!


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