Monday, April 25, 2011

Lesson Recap: "Because of your Faith"

Lesson taught April 24, 2011 by Kristin Hinchman
Taken from Elder Holland's "Because of your Faith"

What is Faith?  Simply stated, it is believing in that which is not seen, but it is also more than that.  True faith also compels us to DO something.  It is not passive.  Elder Holland gives tribute and gratitude to all the members who serve the Lord and one another because of their faith in Jesus Christ and His gospel.

Owenna commented that something she tells herself is that "Faith is a willingness to accept the assurances our Heavenly Father has given us as being sufficient."  And our actions would  apply to those assurances as well.

Because of the faith that members of our church have in Jesus Christ, we give much of our lives to service.  Whether it is because we are given official callings to serve or just following promptings, we try to exemplify our Savior in our service to our fellow man.

There are many who sacrifice their time and talents in an effort to serve the church and it's members in the name of the Lord.  Elder Holland says:

"We all know there are special keys, covenants, and responsibilities given to the presiding officers of the Church, but we also know that the Church draws incomparable strength, a truly unique vitality, from the faith and devotion of every member of this Church, whoever you may be. In whatever country you live, however young or inadequate you feel, or however aged or limited you see yourself as being, I testify you are individually loved of God, you are central to the meaning of His work, and you are cherished and prayed for by the presiding officers of His Church. The personal value, the sacred splendor of every one of you, is the very reason there is a plan for salvation and exaltation. Contrary to the parlance of the day, this is about you. No, don’t turn and look at your neighbor. I am talking to you!"

We all give of ourselves in different ways and at different times in our lives.  Often in those times of service we feel we are not in positions where we are leaders making huge differences in the lives of great numbers.  Sometimes those are the most important moments when we are giving "behind the scenes" acts of service that often go by silently.  To these members Elder Holland states,

"And to the near-perfect elderly sister who almost apologetically whispered recently, 'I have never been a leader of anything in the Church. I guess I’ve only been a helper,” I say, “Dear sister, God bless you and all the ‘helpers’ in the kingdom.' Some of us who are leaders hope someday to have the standing before God that you have already attained."

Sister Hinchman then helped us to each really ponder what it means when someone serves us, and how we can then turn and find ways to serve others - even if we haven't been officially called.  As Visiting Teachers, we have many opportunities for quiet service and love.  How much stronger are we when we each take the time to truly serve!

Thanks Kristin for the great lesson.  It was wonderful hearing from you and feeling of your Spirit and testimony!

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