Friday, September 30, 2011

Conference Special You Won't Want to Miss

Deb Chiapelli wanted me to share this with you. It's about a special being aired on Sunday between conference sessions. Catch it if you can.
Dear Family and friends,

Our family has has been working with Deseret Media on a conference special that will be shown between the Sunday sessions of conference on October 2. It is on recovery from a pornography addiction. Ben was abused when he was eight. The shame he felt from that abuse led him into a pornography addiction that he has dealt with it his whole life.

I found out about his addiction a year after we were married. Consequently I was devastated and felt incredibly betrayed. Over the course of our marriage his addiction has cycled. The constant fear and turmoil was very devastating to me. After Gracie was born I hit a new low. Miraculously I found a therapist in town that specifies in pornography addiction recovery. This group of therapists are pioneering an effort to show the world the devastating effects this addiction has on woman. Ben and I have been in extensive therapy for over 2 years now and during that time Ben has been sober.
Enjoy Conference weekend. We'll still have support group on Sunday evening at 7:30pm. We're on Step 1. Come with resolve to start a anew!


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