Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Frozen Cookie Dough Fundraiser

It’s the time of year when birds are nesting, grass is growing, ticks are . . . ticking, or whatever they do, and the Valley Forge 1st Ward Young Women are having their annual frozen cookie dough sale to raise funds to help defray the cost of attending Girls Camp.

Frozen cookie dough can be a real time saver when you need a quick treat for an activity or a way to calm the starving hordes at home. Zombies are repelled by the sight of frozen cookie dough, making it an ideal non-violent way to save yourself and your family from the walking dead. And don't forget - frozen cookie dough is Olaf's favorite food!

Dough choices include oatmeal, peanut butter, and chocolate chip. Each frozen roll costs $8.00, and will make 3 dozen cookies (depending, of course, on how thick you slice your cookie dough, and how much you eat frozen before the dough hits the cookie sheet). Sign-up sheets are going around, or just talk to one of the young women and get yourself on the list.
Your family's future safety may depend on a humble log of cookie dough in your freezer. Don't take chances - order one (or more) today.

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