Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 2014 Visiting Teaching Changes

In May 2014, new VF 1 visiting teaching assignments were distributed. In an effort to make important information available in as many places as possible, we are posting the new VT assignments on the blog so that anyone who is unsure can check who they visit teach ("Visiting Teaching Sisters") and track down their own visiting teachers, who are listed next to your name, ex. “Marie Tiller: Sarah Kinghorn & Tobe Adewole”

At the end of each month you need to get in touch with your district leader to let them know who you contacted, and any special needs or situations that may exist.

Some Basic Tips for Visiting Teaching:

Please remember that developing relationships is very important. Texting and email are good ways to keep in touch with your sisters, but only AFTER you’ve established a relationship with them. Don’t let the pendulum swing too far in the other direction.

Please consider each other’s needs. Group visiting teaching lunches or get-togethers have their place, but using them each month for convenience is not appropriate. Each sister needs the nourishment that individual attention provides. Likewise, visiting teachers need latitude in getting their teaching accomplished, and the occasional group visiting teaching may be accommodated.

Encourage each other! If you haven’t seen your visiting teachers, tell them you miss them. Make yourself available to your visiting teachers. I hear a lot of frustrated comments like “She never has time for me to visit.” "I can't get in touch with her. She never answers the phone (or texts, or emails, etc.)" or “I don’t know who my visiting teachers are. I get a text from So-and-So once in a while. I don’t know why.”

Sisters, the most common heart-ache I hear expressed is a feeling of disconnect and loneliness. Visiting teaching isn’t the balm that heals all wounds – the Savior is – but it can go a long way towards relieving the aches and pains of every day. It is not a program - it is a principle, one where we uphold our covenant to "comfort those who stand in need of comforting." Please make it a priority.


District 1 Leader – Marie Tiller

Visiting Teaching Companionship
Devon Linn: Ellen King & Sheryl Jackson
Arlene Van Dyke: Amanda Campbell & Shobha Kothapalli
Visiting teaching Sisters: Kim Armento; Tina Byrd; Melissa Rittenhouse; Christine Terrell

Visiting Teaching Companionship
Jill Fulop: Elizabeth Latey & Janet Chavous 
Jennifer L’Heureux: Margie Clark & Aubrie Larson
Visiting teaching Sisters: Tobi Adewole; Melinda Rosales; Connie Thorneloe; Kim Hilmo; Ashley Fletcher (temporary)

Visiting Teaching Companionship
Avery Hash: Mallori Cain & Sara Fultz
Kelly Sue Kneeland Steyn: Amanda Hall
Visiting teaching Sisters: Aubrie Larson; Elizabeth Latey; Sheryl Jackson; Patty Cabot

Visiting Teaching Companionship
Deb Chiapelli: Margie Clark & Aubrie Larson
Kristin Hinchman: Kim Wilson & Lida Ing
Visiting teaching Sisters: Ellen King; Barbara Miskiv; Janet Chavous; Jennifer Althouse

Visiting Teaching Companionship
Ellen King: Deb Chiapelli & Kristin Hinchman
Sheryl Jackson: Avery Hash & Kelly Sue Steyn
Visiting teaching sisters: Devon Linn; Vickie Harsh; Valerie Kielkopf; Delena Chavous


District 2 Leader – Connie Thorneloe

Visiting Teaching Companionship
Margie Clark: Kim Wilson & Lida Ing
Aubrie Larson: Avery Hash & Kelly Sue Steyn
Visiting teaching Sisters: Owenna Nagy; Trudy Cook; Deb Chiapelli; Jennifer L’Heureux

Visiting Teaching Companionship:
Connie Thorneloe: Jill Fulop & Jen L’Heureux
Sandra Concoba: Melanie Low & Vanizia Lima
Visiting teaching sisters: Shari Bradley; Amanda Hall; Aubrey Behunin; Terri Sullivan; Winnie Fulmer

Visiting Teaching Companionship
Amanda Campbell: Kim Hilmo & Patty Cabot
Shobha Kothapalli: Mallori Cain & Sara Fultz
Visiting teaching Sisters: Liz Dayton Cynthia Donahue Arlene Van Dyke Marguerite King

Visiting Teaching Companionship:
Trudy Cook: Margie Clark & Aubrie Larson
Cheryl Wentzel: Sarah Kinghorn & Tobe Adewole
Visiting teaching sisters: Edie Gavin; Mallori Cain; Rebecca Manning; Kim Wilson

Visiting Teaching Companionship:
Owenna Nagy: Margie Clark & Aubrie Larson
Edie Gavin: Trudy Cook & Cheryl Wentzel
Visiting teaching sisters: Martha Fogg; Terry Cwienk; Karen Kittrell; Sarah Robbins; Donia Balog


District 3 Leader – Margie Clark

Visiting Teaching Companionship:
Janet Chavous: Deb Chiapelli & Kristin Hinchman
Elizabeth Latey: Avery Hash & Kelly Sue Steyn
Visiting teaching sisters: Perlena Facey; Karen Peterson; Caitlin Moore; Jill Fulop; Betty Jo Ellis

Visiting Teaching Companionship:
Sandy Fultz: Vickie Harsh & Cynthia Donahue
Delena Chavous: Ellen King & Sheryl Jackson
Visiting teaching sisters: Vermena Lee; Olubukola (Buki) Olajide; Tereza de Lima; Lida Ing

Visiting Teaching Companionship:
Kim Hilmo: Jill Fulop & Jen L’Heureux
Patty Cabot: Avery Hash & Kelly Sue Steyn
Visiting teaching sisters: Amanda Campbell; Ashley Fletcher (temporary); Tracy & McKenzie Wright; Melanie Low

Visiting Teaching Companionship:
Aubrey Behunin: Connie Thorneloe & Sandra Concoba
Vermena Lee: Sandy Fultz & Delena Chavous
Visiting teaching sisters: Rozet Shirozian; Virginia Garnett; Jennifer Washington


District 4 Leader – Mallori Berry-Cain

Visiting Teaching Companionship:
Melanie Low: Kim Hilmo & Patty Cabot
Vanizia Lima: Amanda Hall & Sarah Robbins
Visiting teaching sisters: Marilyn Bruff (Melanie); Sandra Concoba; Michelle Leighton; Sara Fultz

Visiting Teaching Companionship
Amanda Hall: Connie Thorneloe & Sandra Concoba
Sarah Robbins: Owenna Nagy & Edie Gavin
Visiting teaching sisters: Rachel Akinboboye; Vanizia Lima (Amanda); Kelly Sue Steyn

Visiting Teaching Companionship
Kim Wilson: Trudy Cook & Cheryl Wentzel
Lida Ing: Sandy Fultz & Delena Chavous
Visiting teaching sisters: Margie Clark; Linda Holladay; Sarah Kinghorn; Kristin Hinchman

Visiting Teaching Companionship:
Mallori Cain: Trudy Cook & Cheryl Wentzel
Sara Fultz: Melanie Low & Vanizia Lima
Visiting teaching sisters: Shobha Kothapalli; Kalena Annis; Avery Hash; Mary-Patricia Rourke-Smith


District 5 Leader – Patty Cabot

Visiting Teaching Companionship:
Sarah Kinghorn: Kim Wilson & Lina Ing
Tobi Adewole: Jill Fulop & Jen L’Heureux
Visiting teaching Sisters: Sandie Bricker; Marie Tiller; Cheryl Wentzel; Shirley McNelly

Visiting Teaching Companionship
Vickie Harsh: Ellen King & Sheryl Jackson
Cynthia Donahue: Amanda Campbell & Shobha Kothapalli
Visiting teaching sister: Sandy Fultz

Visiting Teacher
Virginia Garnett: Aubrey Behunin & Vermena Lee
Letters/phone: Susan Leiper; Leona Bibbs; Denise Clemons

Visiting Teacher:
Val Keilkopf: Ellen King & Sheryl Jackson|
Letters only: Megan Thomas; Elaine & Peggy Rands; Amy Aslamkhan; Jeannie Clover

Visiting Teaching:
Chris Terrell: Devon Linn & Arlene Van Dyke
Letters only: Elisabeth Nagy; Irene Makowski; Cheryl Plotts; Irina Blaine


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