Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Visiting Teaching Assignments Changed - Yet Again!

We have had many move-ins and move-outs in the last 3 months, prompting yet another change to the visiting teaching assignments. We try our best to pass out the new assignments in person, but with people away for the holiday, illness, etc. this is never a perfect plan. With that challenge in mind, the new assignments are listed below. Please ask us for your printed copy of the visiting teaching list, as it contains contact information and teachee birthdays that is not available online.
Partnerships are outlined in the gray boxes. Partnerships with 3 people (bolded black letters) are meant to give sisters who have never gone visiting teacher an opportunity to receive mentoring from experienced visiting teachers. Please make every effort to see that they are included in your monthly visiting teaching travels.
The Relief Society Presidency will be conducting Visiting Teaching stewardship interviews in September and October. Please take the time and opportunity to have a meaningful discussion - come with questions, concerns, or ideas for solving concerns that have come up as you've visit taught. We want to hear what you have to say.
Please receive our grateful thanks for your ministering efforts. Visiting teaching is one way to honor our covenant to 'comfort those in need of comfort'. If you haven't been visiting teaching, go ahead and get started. Keep trying. You can get it done and make a difference in not just one person's life, but potentially many lives.

Devon Linn  
Sandie Bricker  
Arlene Van Dyke   
Melissa Rittenhouse
Kimberly Armento
Christine Terrell
Tina Byrd


Jill Fulop  
Meghan Fulop  
Jennifer L’Heureux  
Tobi Adewole
Melinda Rosales
Connie Thorneloe
Kim Hilmo


Jenn Swenson
Rachael Akinboboye  
Devon Linn
Caitlin Moore
Delena Chavous
Patty Cabot


Deb Chiapelli  
Kristin Hinchman  
Ellen King
Jen L'Heureux
Janet Chavous
Jennifer Althouse


Ellen King
Sheryl Jackson
Winnie Fulmer
Vickie Harsh


Margie Clark
Marie Tiller
Owenna Nagy
Trudy Cook
Deb Chiapelli
Patrice Alamilla


Connie Thorneloe  
Sandra Concoba  
Shari Bradley
Teri Sullivan (Thorneloe HT/VT)
Aubrey Behunin
Val Kielkopf


Jill Fairchild
Amanda Campbell
Cynthia Donahue
Arlene Van Dyke
Marguerite King


Trudy Cook
Cheryl Wentzel
Tina Byrd
Edie Gavin
Sue Miller
Rebecca Manning
Nina Brewer


Owenna Nagy
Edie Gavin
Christine Terrell
Teresa Howell
Terry Cwienk
Sarah Robbins
Donia Balog


Janet Chavous
Elizabeth Latey
Perlena Facey (Latey HT/VT)
Betty Ellis
Jill Fulop
Karen Peterson


Sandy Fultz
Delena Chavous
Vermena Lee
Buki Olajide
Lida Ing
Jenn Swenson


Kim Hilmo  
Patty Cabot  
Amanda Campbell
Melanie Low
Tracy & Mackenzie Wright
Sheryl Jackson


Aubrey Behunin  
Vermena Lee  
Rozet Shirozian
Virginia Garnett
Cassie Player
Amanda Hall


Melanie Low  
Kalena Annis  
Michelle Leighton
Marilyn Bruff (Melanie)
Sandra Concoba
Sara Fultz


Amanda Hall  
Sarah Robbins  
Rachael Akinboboye
Elizabeth Latey
Sarah Gasper
Tereza de Macedo Lima


Lida Ing  
Sarah Gasper  
Linda Holladay
Margie Clark
Sarah Kinghorn
Kristin Hinchman


Vickie Harsh
Cynthia Donahue
Sandy Fultz




Sara Fultz  
Cassie Player:
Kalena Annis
Jill Fairchild
Mary-Pat Rourke-Smith


Val Kielkopf (Letters)
Jennifer Washington
Elaine & Peggy Rands
Amy Aslamkhan
Florencia Michel


Donia Balog (Letters)
Elisabeth Nagy
Irene Makowski
Irina Blaine
Megan Thomas


Virginia Garnett (letters)
Cheryl Plotts
Denise Clemons (letters/visits)
Jeannie Clover
Makalesi Tapealava


Sarah Kinghorn
Tobi Adewole
Sandie Bricker
Marie Tiller
Cheryl Wentzel
Shirley McNelly


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