Monday, January 3, 2011

Resolution/Goal Setting Time

One of the keys to reaching a goal is accountability. So it's time to look at where we were last year and own up!

These were mine...
Learn to play racquetball.  Didn't happen. I had a problem with my shoulder and elbow for a time and lost my enthusiam. I'm going to keep it on my life list, though.

Read more, write more. I feel fairly good about this one. I discovered free audio books and really enjoyed more books than I would have otherwise.
Pray more sincerely, more often, humbly on my knees. (This has been on my list for years.)  And will continue to be. I don't know anyone who is perfect at prayer.

All right...Chell, Owenna, Devon, Elizabeth, Sara, Jill Let us know how you did and what you would do differently. It's good to have plans (and friends who could help).

Here are 12 ways to Stick to Your Resolutions
1. Be specific. Don’t resolve to “Make more friends” or “Strengthen friendships”; that’s too vague. To make more friends as part of my happiness project, I have several very concrete resolutions like: “Start a group,” “Remember birthdays,” “Say hello,” “Make plans,” “Show up,” and “No gossip.”
2. Write it down.
3. Review your resolution constantly.
4. Hold yourself accountable.
7. Ask for help.
8. Consider making only pleasant resolutions.
11. Set a deadline.

See all 12 ideas here.

Good luck!


  1. Well Devon made me fess up in RS but here goes

    1. Get printed and actually hang more of my photography. Done and I plan to do more

    2. Go on a real vacation, one that is not tied to a wedding, birthday or other family event. - didn't really happen, moving got in the way along with other family events.. I did go on a few trips though. maybe 2011 will teach me how to relax better.

    3. Blog at least 6 times a month.
    Moving and my work schedule didn't really let this happen but I am pretty sure the average for the year was about3.5 will do better this year hopefully..

  2. Well, as I put in my lesson recap from during Relief Society, I do think I did BETTER at not yelling at the kids this year. I think I've just loosened up a bit, and decided to pick my battles. Oh, and I sometimes just have to ignore what they're doing for my own sanity.

    As far as my other two calling has pretty much helped me improve with them! I guess when Heavenly Father wants you to change, sometimes he provides a way without you realizing it!

  3. Oh, and I love the link to that article! You find the best and most uplifting (and helpful) things online Ellen. I'm so glad you share them with us!


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